To Your Rescue | Animal Rescue Software
Helping You Help Animals

  • Animal Intake and History:   You’ll have all known information on your animals in one place.  Maybe there is a particular behavior that you want your volunteers or potential adopters to know about?  It will be in To Your Rescue.
  • Animal Photos, Documents, Videos:   Store BLOBs (Binary Large Objects). 
  • Animal Reports for Adoption Fairs:  With To Your Rescue you won’t have to scurry around at the last minute gathering the material you need to take with you.
  • Health Histories for Adopters and Vets:  Giving this information to the appropriate people just got a lot easier. With just a couple of clicks you can print them or email them.
  • Health Reminders: Don’t miss giving an animal a vaccination or medication.  Throw away all those scraps of paper you now have this written on.
  • Mailing Lists: Want to send a correspondence to your adopters?  Your donors? Your Board of Directors? Your volunteers? Want to send out a newsletter?  To Your Rescue has the lists that you need.
  • Reports, Queries, and Searches: Need to find an animal you had three years ago?   Want to find out who adopted Emily? Want to report to your donors how many animals you took in last year?  How many adoptions you had? Who are your top donors? These questions are just the tip of the iceberg of things you can learn by just a quick query to To Your Rescue.    Do you have state-mandated reports?  Let To Your Rescue give you the numbers you need.
  • Donors and Donation History:  This information will keep you well-funded. If you use To Your Rescue as we will suggest, and if you don’t recoup all the money that you’ve paid to us, we’ll give you a full refund.
  • Event Management: You’ll want to let last years attendees know about this year’s event.   You’ll want to know who donated the food, drink, and music. Who worked the registration table. To Your Rescue won’t let you forget.
  • Membership Management: Memberships keep your community connected to you.  Members are an official part of your family. Let To Your Rescue manage these for you and keep track of current members, expiring memberships, and former members.    
  • Rescue Documents: Have in one central place your rescue organizing documents and meeting minutes.   Maybe you need to send off a copy of your non-profit, 501(c)3 approval. Do it fast with To Your Rescue.

Our Mission

Our mission, and the sole reason for our existence, is to help animals.

And, we have a little different way of helping them. We help them by helping you.

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Very Affordable Pricing

We know that you have tight budgets. For this reason we offer TYR at a price that you can afford. You get a lifetime license for only $149.95 and right now we have a special introductory price of $99.95.  Included in this price are training, support, and updates for one year. And, you get a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee.   Stop procrastinating and let’s get started.

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Great Customer Support

We are here to resolve any questions or problems. Call 910-249-9696. You will also get fast response to emails or website forms asking for our assistance. Send emails to We love helping you and making sure you get the most out of our product.

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