Adding & Managing Procedures & Tests

TYR provides tools to record procedures and tests done on the animals in your care and to set and view reminders for the dates those procedures and tests are due again. (Note: The procedures for setting, viewing, and clearing reminders are explained in a separate section.)
This page describes the following procedures:

Adding a New Completed Procedure or Test for an Individual Animal

  •  On the TYR Home screen under Modules, click Animals to open the Manage Animals screen.
  •  In the center grid, locate the animal that received the procedure or test and select the record by clicking the cell at the farthest left on the row containing the animal's information.
  •  On the right side of the screen under Animal Health, click the Procedures and Tests button to open the Manage Procedures and Tests screen.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: This screen has a dual purpose:
       (a) Manage records of completed vaccinations, allowing you to view, edit, and delete them (covered on this page); and
       (b) View, set, and manage vaccination reminders (covered in the
    REMINDERS section).
  • Click the Add New Procedures button () to open the single Procedure or Test screen.
  • Enter the Procedure or Test by using one of these two methods:
    (a) Click the down arrow in the Procedure or Test field and select from the list of you created during system setup for Creating & Managing Health Procedures .
    (b) Type the name of the procedure or test in the Procedure or Test field if it doesn't appear in the drop-down list. (Note: Any Procedure or Test you enter manually is not automatically stored in the Health Procedures list for future selection. If you want it to appear in the drop-down list in the future, don't forget to follow the procedure for Creating & Managing Health Procedures.)
  • In the Date of Procedure field, type the month, day, and year the procedure or test was done or use the Date Picker to select the date. (Note: For Procedures and Tests, the system will accept only today's date or an earlier date.)
  • In the Clinic field, type the name or select one from the drop-down list that was created from the PCO records for companies or organizations for which you selected the "Animal Clinic or Hospital" checkbox.
    Important Notes:
    (a) The system does not create a PCO record for a new clinic name that you type in manually, so if you expect to use this clinic name again, we recommend creating a new PCO record for the clinic as soon as you finish entering the vaccination for this animal so you won't forget to do it.)
    (b) If the procedure or test was administered by you or someone else at your shelter, the entry in the Clinic field should be the name of your shelter. To save keystrokes in the Clinic and Person Performing Procedure fields, you can set up a PCO record for your shelter and designate it as an "Animal Clinic or Hospital" and then add "Staff" as a generic "Veterinarian" for your shelter in the system setup for Adding & Managing Veterinarians.
  • In the Person Performing Procedure field, type the name of the person who administered the vaccination or select a name from the drop-down list that was created during system setup for Adding & Managing Veterinarians. (See Important Note (b) in Step 7 above if the Person Performing Procedure is a staff member at your shelter.)
  • If you wish to maintain a history of the animal's weight, type the current weight in the optional Weight field.
    Note: Once you have at least one weight recorded for an animal, you can click the "View Weight History" button on any screen where it appears and see a popup that shows a complete list of weights and dates they were recorded.
  • If applicable, type the result of the test in the Test Result field, e.g., "negative" for Heartworm Test.
  • If the procedure was a microchip scan or microchip implant, enter the microchip number in the Microchip Number field.
  • If desired, enter additional details in the optional Notes field.
  • Click Save. You are returned to the Manage Procedures and Tests screen where you will see the procedure or test you just added in the "Completed Procedures and Tests" center grid, along with a confirmation message at the lower left corner of the screen.

Adding Up to Three New Completed Procedures or Tests at the Same Time for an Individual Animal

  •  Perform Steps 1 through 3 above under Adding a New Completed Procedure or Test for an Individual Animal to reach the Manage Procedures and Tests screen for the selected animal.
  •  Click the Add Multiple Procedures button () to reach the Procedures and Tests screen. This is identical to the screen for adding a single procedure or test except it has "2nd Procedure/Test" and "3rd Procedure/Test" sections for recording up to three completed procedures or tests for the animal.
  • Perform Steps 5 through 12 for Adding a New Completed Procedure or Test for an Individual Animal to add the "1st Procedure/Test."
  • To add the "2nd Procedure/Test," click the checkbox at the upper left corner of the "2nd Procedure/Test" section to activate the data entry fields and repeat  Step 3.
  • To add the "3rd Procedure/Test," click the checkbox at the upper left corner of the "3rd Procedure/Test" section to activate the data entry fields and repeat  Step 3.
  • Click Save. You are returned to the Manage Procedures and Tests screen where you will see the procedures and/or tests you just added in the "Completed Procedures and Tests" center grid, along with a confirmation message at the lower left corner of the screen.

    Top of page

Adding Up to Three New Completed Procedures or Tests for Multiple Animals at the Same Time

  •   On the TYR Home screen under Modules, click Animals to open the Manage Animals screen.
  •  In the center grid, select the animals that received procedure(s) or test(s):
    Multiple animals adjacent to each other
    Click the cell to the left of the uppermost animal you want to select, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard, and then click the cell to the left of the bottommost animal you want to select.
    Multiple animals not adjacent to each other
    Click the cell to the left of the uppermost animal you want to select, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard, and then click the cell to the left of each additional animal you want to select.

               Note: Multiple animals must be the same type (e.g., all dogs or all cats), so look at the Animal column in the center grid when making your selections.
  •   On the right side of the screen under Animal Health, click the Procedures and Tests button. A confirmation popup appears, displaying the names of the animals you selected.
  • If these names are not correct, click No to return to the Manage Animals screen to repeat Steps 2  and 3.

         If the names are correct, click Yes to continue. The Procedures and Tests screen appears, allowing you to record up to three procedures and/or tests for all selected animals whose names appear in the upper left corner of the screen. (Note: The identical information you enter and save on this screen will be applied to the records for all selected animals.)
  • Perform the steps in the section above for Adding Up to Three New Completed Procedures or Tests at the Same Time for an Individual Animal.
  •  Click Save. You are returned to the Manage Animals screen where the selected animals are still highlighted. (Note: To view the results of the steps in this procedure, select one animal at a time and click the Procedures and Tests button to see the Manage Procedures and Tests screen.)

Editing Details of a Completed Procedure or Test

  •  On the TYR Home screen under Modules, click Animals to open the Manage Animals screen.
  •  In the center grid, select the animal whose procedure or test you want to edit by clicking the cell at the farthest left on the row containing the animal's information. (Note: You can edit only one procedure or test for one animal at a time.)
  •  On the right side of the screen under Animal Health, click the Procedures and Tests button to open the Manage Procedures and Tests screen.
  •  With "Completed Procedures and Tests" selected above the center grid, double-click the cell at the farthest left on the row containing the procedure or test information to open the Procedure or Test screen.
  • Make the desired change(s) and click Save. You are returned to the Manage Procedures and Tests screen where you will see a confirmation message at the lower left corner of the screen. If you edited information that appears in the columns in the center grid, you will also see those changes.

Deleting the Record of a Completed Procedure or Test

  •  On the TYR Home screen under Modules, click Animals to open the Manage Animals screen.
  •  In the center grid, select the animal whose procedure or test you want to delete by clicking the cell at the farthest left on the row containing the animal's information. (Note: You can delete only one procedure or test for one animal at a time.)
  •  On the right side of the screen under Animal Health, click the Procedures and Tests button to open the Manage Procedures and Tests screen.
  •   With "Completed Procedures and Tests" selected above the center grid, click the cell at the farthest left on the row containing the procedure or test information.
  • Click the Delete button. A confirmation popup appears.
  • To complete the deletion, click "Yes." You are returned to the Manage Procedures and Tests screen where the deleted procedure or test has disappeared from the center grid and a confirmation message appears in the lower left corner.